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Glossary of Trade & Shipping Terms - U

a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - y - z

  • u.c.b. - Unless caused by
  • U.C.S. - Unified claims system
  • U.K./Cont. - United Kingdom or Continent
  • U.K./Cont. (B.H.) - United Kingdom or Continent (Bordeaux-Hamburg range)
  • U.K./Cont. (G.H.) - United Kingdom or Continent (Gibraltar-Hamburg range)
  • U.K./Cont. (H.H.) - United Kingdom or Continent (Havre-Hamburg range)
  • - United Kingdom for orders
  • U.K.H.A.D. - United Kingdom, Havre, Antwerp or Dunkirk
  • U.L.C.C. - Ultra large crude carrier
  • U.N. - United Nations
  • U.N.C.L.O.S. - U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea
  • U.N.C.T.A.D. - U.N. Conference on Trade and Development
  • U.N.D.P. - U.N. Development Program
  • U.N.D.R.O. - U.N. Disaster Relief Co-ordinator
  • U.N.E.P. - U.N. Environment Program
  • U.N.E.S.C.O. - U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • U.N.L. - Ultimate net loss
  • u.p. - Under proof
  • U.S. Affiliate - A U.S. affiliate is a U.S. business enterprise in which there is foreign direct investment -- that is, in which a single foreign person owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of its voting securities if the enterprise is incorporated or an equivalent interest if the enterprise is unincorporated. The affiliate is called a U.S. affiliate to denote that the affiliate is located in the U.S. (although it is owned by a foreign person).See: Foreign Person.
  • U.S. Munitions List - The USML identifies those items or categories of items considered to be defense articles and defense services subject to export control. The USML is similar in coverage to the International Munitions List (IML), but is more restrictive in two ways. First, the USML currently contains some dual-use items that are controlled for national security and foreign policy reasons (such as space-related or encryption-related equipment). Second, the USML contains some nuclear-related items. Under Presidential directive, most dual-use items are to be transferred from the USML to the Commerce Department's dual- use list. State, with the concurrence of Defense, designates which articles will be controlled under the USML. Items on the Munitions List face a stricter control regime and lack the safeguards to protect commercial competitiveness that apply to dual-use items.
  • U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Trade Arrangement - See: Semiconductor Trade Arrangement.
  • U.S.N.H. - United States, North of Cape Hatteras
  • U.S.S.A. - United States Salvage Association
  • U.T. - Unlimited transhipment
  • U/A - Underwriting account
  • U/C - Under construction
  • U/D - Underdeck
  • u/o - Use and occupancy
  • U/R - Under repair
  • UCP - Uniform Customs and Practices
  • UDEAC - Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale
  • UIT - Union Internationale des Telecommunications
  • ULCC - Ultra large crude carrier
  • Ultimate Beneficial Owner - The UBO of a U.S. affiliate is that person, proceeding up the affiliate's ownership chain beginning with and including the foreign parent, that is not owned more than 50 percent by another person. The UBO consists of only the ultimate owner, other affiliated persons are excluded. If the foreign parent is not owned more than 50 percent by another person, the foreign parent and the UBO are the same. A UBO, unlike a foreign parent, may be a U.S. person.
  • Ultimate Consignee - The ultimate consignee is the person located abroad who is the true party in interest, receiving the export for the designated end-use.
  • UMA - Union du Maghreb Arabe
  • UMOA - Union Monetaire Ouest-Africaine
  • UMR - Usual Marketing Requirements
  • UN - United Nations
  • UNCDF - United Nations Capital Development Fund
  • UNCED - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  • UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
  • UNCSTD - United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for, Development
  • UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • UND - United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
  • UNDP - United Nations Development Program
  • UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
  • UNEP - United Nations Environment Program
  • UNESC - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural, Organization
  • Unfair Trade Practice - This term refers to any act, policy, or practice of a foreign government that: (a) violates, is inconsistent with, or otherwise denies benefits to the U.S. under any trade agreement to which the United States is a party; (b) is unjustifiable, unreasonable, or discriminatory and burdens or restricts United States commerce; or (c) is otherwise inconsistent with a favorable section 301 determination by the U.S. Trade Representative.
  • UNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population Activities
  • UNGA - United Nations General Assembly
  • UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund
  • UNID - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • UNIDROIT - International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
  • Union de Paises Exportadores de Banano - See: Union of Banana Exporting Countries.
  • Union Douaniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale - See: Central African Customs and Economic Union.
  • Union du Maghreb Arabe - See: Arab Maghreb Union.
  • Union Internationale des Telecommunications - See: International Telecommunication Union.
  • Union Monetaire Quest-Africaine - See: West African Monetary Union.
  • Union of Banana Exporting Countries - The Union (Spanish: Union de Pa¡ses Exportadores de Banano, UPEB) promotes the banana industry among membes. The Union was established in 1974; headquarters are in Panama. Members include: Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panaman, and Venezuela.
  • UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research
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